Back from Georgia (the Country, not the State)


Brandon is home again! For the last 18 days, he was in the country of Georgia training troops there for deployment to Afghanistan. Even though they finished all of the training exercises last Thursday, he finally arrived home late last night. You have to love the efficiency of the Army sometimes! In addition to lots of dirty laundry, he also brought me some wine that I am anxious to drink. His primary souvenir is a mug from Stalin’s birthplace that they visited in Gori, Georgia. Brandon is happy to be home again where the refrigerator is stocked with German beer, the Internet is relatively fast, and there are at least 10 channels of TV to watch. He even appreciates my cooking more!! There is nothing like time in a third-world country to make you appreciate the things you have at home!

While he was gone, I kept myself busy as usual. I finished up my first two online classes last Wednesday, and am happy to report that I received an A in both. I started my next class last Thursday, Computerized Accounting. It is basically an introduction to QuickBooks. Since that is the software I used at EMF, I am hoping that the class will be pretty easy. On Monday, I took the DSST Principles of Finance exam at the Education Center on post. I crammed all weekend and hope I guessed right on enough to pass. Unfortunately, our Ed Center only offers the paper version of the test, so I have to wait 4-6 weeks to learn the results. If all goes well, I should be done with all of my prerequisites by mid-December and able to start my Masters in January.

My Saturdays have been spent at SBOP rehearsals and concerts…look for a future blog post about these experiences! 🙂

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